Sunday, March 26, 2006

Random Thoughts...

I run a blog about politics and daily life, another one the reviews webcomics and video games, one about my American Eskimo Dog, one with book reviews, one with a story I haven't finished writing and then I run this one.

This one, Jesus Said, was to be a place where I could allow my Christianity freeform and write about Church and Bible readings, etc. But, then I started other blogs and life became busy and suddenly, I no longer had time to write in this blog.

But, still visitors would trickle in one or two at a time and some would leave comments, so today, when I sat on my couch and thought about all the things I needed to do, I thought I really need to post in my blog.

Today, the readings in church included one from Saint Paul. He saids in Ephesians that we are all saved by grace. He says that works will not save us, but that God grants us our salvation based on nothing more than His love for us, so that we might not boast about our own doings.

Well, this got me thinking, I mean, Saint Paul boasts in his writings all the time about what he's done or doing and for whom he does these things. He states in Ephesians 3:1, "For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles"

What does that mean? The prisoner of Jesus Christ? Also, he sounds quite boastful just two verses later (3-4), " How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
4Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) "

And, since I'm never too keen on a lot of things Paul wrote, don't do me -- the Gentile -- any favors. I'm sure that without Paul being a prisoner of Christ, I can still find my way to grace.

But, is he right? Is it just grace that will send us to salvation?

Jesus said himself that what you do for the least of you, you do for me. Doesn't that sound like you need to do some works in order to find your way to salvation?

So, should I believe the Son of Man or Paul?



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