Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Republican Christianity

George W. Bush authorized illegal wiretaps on American citizens under the guise of security.  The argument further goes that since the calls were international calls, the wire taps were legal.  

How can it ever be legal to spy on American citizens?

How can it be okay to NOT have to obtain a warrant?

Why is it okay to give up civil rights in order to be “secure”?

Further, why is this coming from an administration that is spouting Christianity at every turn?  

When did Jesus spy on his disciples?  

(Yeah, yeah, on the road to Emmaus where He didn’t allow them to know that He was Him, but that was sneaky, but does not constitute spying in my book (Luke 24:13-32))

Furthermore, where is the Christianity in the corruption in our government?  Show me where Jesus accepted trips and golf outings from the Jewish people in order to further their causes, like our leaders who accepted money, donations and gifts from Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist.

Where is the Christianity in that?

Why in the public forum is Christianity reduced to Pro-life (but only in the case of abortion, not in the death penalty) and sex (as in gay sex and gay marriage, which obviously leads to more sex)?  

Jesus was so much more than that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Illegal”, I don’t think so. If it is, all presidents going back to J.C. (Jimmy Carter) are guilty of illegal wiretapping. The FISC law makes it legal. Also, if American citizens are engaged in espionage, they should be “spied” on.

As for Jack Abramoff, he gave money to both Democrats and Republican. You would never know that if you get all of you news from the elite media. Don’t paint with a one-sided political brush. Both sides have rotten apples.

“Why in the public forum is Christianity reduced to Pro-life (but only in the case of abortion, not in the death penalty) and sex (as in gay sex and gay marriage, which obviously leads to more sex)?” Because those are important issues. Innocent life should be protected, but those who choose to take life are subject to the governments’ authority (Romans 13:1-7).


16 February, 2006 08:54  
Blogger Julie said...

First, it is illegal to not obtain a warrant when spying on US Citizens inside the borders of the United States. The FISA -- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 -- does NOT allow the president to circumvent the system by not applying for a warrant. The FISA still requires the use of a warrant. Since 2002, the Bush administration has chosen to ignore the FISC -- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court -- (who grants said warrants) and conduct illegal surveillance against U.S. citizens.

Second, since 1978 throught year end of 2004, there were 18,766 requests made with 18,761 warrants issued and 5 requests rejected. Plus, only government lawyers may argue in front of the court AND the proceedings are classified. Rarely does information become public.

Third, I have no problem with Americans who are engaged in illegal activities being wired tapped. I do have a problem when the president's administration circumvents the system in order to do the wire tapping.

If we let anyone take away our rights, we have let the terrorists win.

Finally, with regard to Christianity, Romans 13:1-7 was written by Paul -- not Jesus. If you wish me to believe that God put George W. Bush in office and to disagree with him is some sort of sin, then you have to believe that God put Bill Clinton in office and everyone who went against him is a sinner as well. To take this one step further, those Germans who disagreed with Hitler were going against God's will if I follow Romans 13:1-7.

Further, to God, all life is sacred, not just unborn babies (which is why Thou shalt not kill is repeated so much in the Bible). All of us, murdered and innocent alike, are God's children. To point to a misconstrued passage in the Bible to say we have the right to have the death penalty is misguided.

On top of that, you missed my point that Christianity has been reduced to just two issues. The issues of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned are left way behind and forgotten. There is so much more to being a good Christian than abortion and gay marriage. Jesus himself said in Matthew 25 that he will separate the sheep (those who feed the hungry, clothed the naked, etc) from the goats (those who did not feed the hungry, clothed the naked, etc). The sheep shall be at his right hand and inherit the kingdom from the foundation of the world. The goats shall be sent to the fires of Hell.

God Bless

17 February, 2006 16:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish there were more Christians like you, Julie, speaking out. I feel like all the morals of the worlds religions are being pushed into shoeboxes and stuffed in closets while people instead puff out their chests and debate certain aspects until they forget why they're talking. I hope that more people use their energy to show the grace of whatever almighty they believe is out there instead of nitpicking over transcribed, translated, uncontempory books.

21 March, 2006 04:07  

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