Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I know...

I know that I promised a charity a day, but I'm falling behind and haven't been able to keep up. Maybe, I should've made this promise after I found 25 charities!

Anyway, I took a Christian Test and thought I'd post the results here:


The Babe in Christ
You scored 48% fear of God and 56% love of God!
You have developed a reasonable sense of love and fear of God. You also have a decent grasp of Christian principles and a solid understanding of what God is all about. Most likely, you have just recently (within the last few years) decided to get serious about God and truly accept him as your lord and savior. If not, you may just be a Christian with delayed spiritual development. You have given up a few things to get closer to God and you have made a significant amount of progress in this area. For example, your friends can clearly see a marked difference between you and non-believers. However, you realize that this noticeable difference is just the beginning. Your goal is to be Christ like and you realize that you have a lot of growing to do before people will be able to look at you and see Christ. Of course, you can never be equal to Jesus, but it's possible to get very close. With prayer, determination, and sacrifice you will eventually achieve your goals. May God bless you and thanks for taking this test.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 0% on fear of God

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You scored higher than 0% on love of God
Link: The Am I Like Jesus Test written by MetalliScats on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


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