Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The DaVinci Code...

The movie's about to open and now everywhere you look someone is writing an article about the DaVinci Code. Somehow, according to one article I read, Dan Brown's book -- if it were to be considered as truth -- negates Christianity.

First, I'd like to say that it is just a book -- a well written page turner, but still nothing more than a book.

Second, how can anyone say with any actual fact that Jesus was NOT married to Mary Magdalene? How do we know this? What Jesus did between age 12 and age 30 isn't in the Bible. We do not know where He went or what He did. The Jewish faith is all about family and Jesus was Jewish, so perhaps He did marry. Or, perhaps, He did not marry, but isn't believing one or another really just a guessing game?

Third, if Jesus was married, how does this negate Christianity? In my mind, it only negates the Vatican's belief that Priests should not marry. It does not negate the basic belief of Christianity that God's only son, Jesus, died on the cross for our sins and rose three days later.

Now, someone once told me that if Jesus had been married, that would mean that He had sex and then He would not have been an innocent dying on the cross for all our sins. Like somehow sex or the lack of sex is what makes you an innocent in God's eyes.

Now, I don't know if Jesus was married to Mary or not. I'm not even sure that I believe one way or another. I know that the Catholic Church for centuries portrayed her as a prostitute and it was in recent times they came out and said, "We made a mistake. She wasn't a hooker." So, how do we know that the Church will not do this again? How do we know that one day the Vatican will have to say, "Yes, we hid the truth from you for 2000 years. Oops."

I do know that there are a lot of Gospels that didn't make the cut into the Bible, such as the Gospel of Thomas. And, it seems as if the books that did make the cuts -- such as Paul's letters -- usually denounce women's roles within the Church. So, to believe that a group of men decided that they would hide the secret of Jesus' marriage isn't a far stretch.



Blogger Erin said...

Here's the truth...sex outside of marriage...sin, sex within marriage...How you procreate. God made us to have sex, it's not a sin unless conducted wrongly. It's like Hell. Hell is a place, but cursing is a sin. Also I agree with you, IT'S A BOOK, WRITTEN AS FICTION. Get over it. Also, who cares about Mary Magdaline being a prostitute or not? Jesus said that if we repented then we were forgiven and God forgot about it. If she repented then God forgot and that means that she wasn't one anymore. Wow, imagine that, a careing God!!! Just my little insight on the post...thanks for writing.

16 May, 2006 12:01  
Blogger Julie said...


Exactly, it's just a fictional book. It has not stopped my belief in Jesus being God's son.

Thanks for reading!

God Bless,


17 May, 2006 07:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason several "books" were not included in the
'Holy Bible",
was because they did not pass the scrutiny of the Council of Nicocea. They were outside of the standards that had been set up for the Truths of the Holy Bible. The Bible was written by the "Inspiration" of the Holy Spitit which dwelled in those in the Upper Room when the deciples were told to go, and "wait" for the Holy Spirit to descend. Judas was the only one not there. The disciples with Peter, always in a hurry decided to appoint their own person. The one True person who actually "God" chose , came later as the Apostle Paul was on his way to Damascus. The person Peter and his crowd chose, was never heard about again.

26 October, 2008 17:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

READ ----Second Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture was given by "Inspiration" While you're at it read both books of Timothy, they are short and to the point.

26 October, 2008 17:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DaVinci Code is one big fabrication. It's not worth the time to read. The Bible tells you that in the last days there will be all kinds of FALSE teaching and all manner of lies to "SEDUCE" you. We are to be "Strong in the Lord and :"Test" the Spirit" Stay close to the Lord and He will NOT lead you astray. The book mentioned has a falsehood on every page. Beware.

26 October, 2008 17:18  

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