Thursday, November 10, 2005

Are we a Christian Nation?

With the Wisconsin's legistlature's desire to legislate morality and the idea that America is to be a Christian nation, I thought I should discuss this overzealous movement. First, I have nothing against the idea that America is a Christian nation -- none whatsoever. Because I believe that we can live with the Christian ideals that Jesus laid out for us and still have religious freedoms. Where I disagree with the religious fundamentalists in this country is when they wish to pick and choose how they will follow Christ.

In Mark 12, Jesus is asked by the scribes, "Which is the first of all the commandments?" Jesus replied, "... You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."1

Have you ever met a so-called religious fundamentalist? I don't mean seen one on TV, I mean up close and personal. Have you looked in their eyes? I can honestly say that I have seen their eyes and they are full of hate and loathing for those they wish to "save". A few years ago, I went to a gay pride fest and I met one of these so-called followers of God. I could see the hate in his eyes. I wonder how you love your Lord and God with your heart, soul, mind and strength when you are filled with so much hatred for your fellow man. Can you carry around hate and still love God?

And, it isn't just the anti-gay people who carry around hatred for their fellow citizen. Ever talk to a church going racist? There are many of them who can point to biblical passages on why the races shouldn't intermingle. Please don't think the Christian racist is a breed which has died out -- they haven't, they're just quieter now.

Further in the same passage, Jesus said, "The second [commandment] is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' "2 When are you showing that you love your neighbor when you don't support social programs that will give your neighbor a helping hand? When are you showing love of your neighbor when you sign into law a program that makes it harder for people to file for bankruptcy -- especially when 50% of bankruptcies are caused by medical bills and approx. 30% are caused by job loss? How is that loving your neighbor?

How is supporting a Social Security plan that will leave many worst off, loving your neighbor? How is supporting legislation that denies rights to a specific group because you don't agree with the way they were born, loving your neighbor?

Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."3

If we do not properly educate our young...

If we do not reach out a helping hand to those less fortunate...

If we do not stand together to support and love one another, we are denying the existence of Jesus' greatest commandments.

If we support tax cuts that only benefit 1 or 2% of our nations citizens, we are not doing for the least of Jesus' people.

And, that does not make us a Christian nation.


1. Mark 12:28 - 30. Quoted from New American Bible
Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York 1992


2. Mark 12:31. Quoted from New American Bible
Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York 1992


3. Matthew 25:40. Quoted from New American Bible
Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York 1992 {Return}


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