Thursday, November 03, 2005

Under God

But, those five points are not all I have to say on the subject.

Jesus said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things which are God's." (Matthew 22:21).

What Jesus didn't say was that all things are God's. Everything from the birds in the sky to the grass on the ground to you and me. We are all God's creation and we all belong to Him. So, does it matter -- and does God care -- whether we say "One nation under God" or we don't? Whether we say the words "under God" or we leave them out, this is still a nation under God, isn't it?

Our founding father's wanted us to leave God out of it and why? Because having God involved in our nation opens the government up to being ruled by one religion and leaving religion being ruled by our government.

I happen to believe that we are NOT a Christian nation. That is to say, we have Christians in our midst, but as a whole, we do not act in a Christian manner. Despite how some of my fellow Christians feel, we will not be a Christian nation until we follow Jesus's teachings. (By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ Jesus.)

Until we heal our sick, help our poor, work for peace, ensure justice to all and end both abortion AND the death penalty, we do not deserve to be called a Christian Nation.

Until that time comes, we will just be a nation that includes some Christians.


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