Friday, December 22, 2006

Taking the high road...

The only thing I knew about Representative Keith Ellison was that he the first Muslim ever elected to Congress.  That was yesterday.

Now, I've read a CNN article and I believe that he is a man of integrity. 

Here's the background, Representative Goode is all up in arms about Representative Ellison wanting to use a Qu'ran when being sworn into Congress.  Further, Goode has been making all kinds of remarks about how we don't need more Muslims in this country and equating electing Ellison to supporting illegal immagration.

Representative Ellison has refused to call Goode a bigot.  He has even gone as far as to say he looks forward to meeting Goode and he hopes Goode would take the time to learn about the Muslim religion.  Ellison wants to find some common ground.

What a stand up guy.  He's right.  We need to find common ground.

And, what does Goode have to say?

"I wish more people would take a stand and stand up for the principles on which this country was founded."

Excuse me?  Our country was founded on the principles that we would have the freedom of religion.  Representative Goode, you are not standing up for the principles on which our country stands.  You are standing upon the hollow ground of those who are scared -- scared of people of a different religion, scared of those of a different race, scared of those of a different sexual orientation.

America, my America, is a melting pot of races, backgrounds and religions.  America has the best of all countries because we strive for togetherness and tolerance.

I so hope, Representative Goode, that in the spirit of giving, especially in this season of Advent, that you can see your way clear to meeting with Representative Ellison.  As Sam Hutson once said, "A Nation divided against itself cannot stand."  We need to unite our country as we never have before.  We are fighting a Civil War without firing a shot and we certainly cannot have Representatives slinging arrows before they even meet.

I give credit to Representative Ellison for not lowering himself to the name calling that no one would blame him if he did.  I beg Representative Goode to take a step back and do the same.

MerryChristmas  & God Bless!

Posted By Julie to Top of My Head at 12/22/2006 02:40:00 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totaly agree with you! And if representative Ellison want to be sworn into congress with the Qu'ran let it be, its not hurting anyone! People like Goode give christians a bad name and he gives the impression, to the rest of the world, that christians dont know anything about the original concepts on which our country was founded on! Christians like him make me happy to be an atheist!

13 September, 2007 12:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I ran into a website the other day that I thought you might be interested it. It's a Christian based organization that gives great information about the 2008 candidates and they are donating money to injured Iraqi war vets. Here's the website:

04 October, 2007 10:49  
Blogger Rex said...

Well said.

28 November, 2007 09:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally astonished by what is being written by Christian conservatives. First of all the country was founded on CHRISTIAN principles not muslim. The freedom of religion u speak of is a freedom from worshipping a government led religious establishment. Go to to determine who the REAL conservatives are.

05 February, 2008 05:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about those like Mike Gabbard who are claiming loudly to represent Christians while at the same time pushing the agenda of a Hindu cult? I hope Christians everywhere will consider his deplorable example.

02 June, 2008 08:17  
Anonymous minds adrift said...

I'm not sure what happened to this blog, but I wish you would keep writing. I like what I see here!

27 March, 2011 11:58  
Anonymous Mark Johnson said...

A very good point. We need to unite for common cause instead of breaking up into small are groups.
Again, very well written article. Keep up the good work.

06 May, 2011 12:45  
Anonymous raj bill santellices said...

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01 February, 2012 11:41  

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